Removing the Management App

This procedure describes how to remove the Management app used to manage the permissions for the Provider Exchange to access the customer Zoom account.

To remove the Management app:
1. Open the Zoom Admin portal with customer credentials:
2. In the Navigation pane, select Phone System Management > Phone Numbers and then click the Assigned tab.

3. Select a number that is assigned to a customer of a specific Provider Exchange whose association you wish to remove.

4. Click Unbind to remove the number assignment.

5. Repeat the above for each number that is assigned to this customer-Provider Exchange association.

Phone numbers are displayed in Zoom Admin app as Unassigned.

6. In the Live Platform app, release all unassigned numbers to remove them entirely from Zoom.

An Assigned number cannot be released in the Live Platform app.

7. Zoom Admin portal Navigation pane, navigate to Advanced >App Marketplace.

8. At the top left-hand corner of the screen, click the Manage link.

9. In the Navigation pane, select Added Apps.

10. Click Remove adjacent to the Management App of the Provider Exchange.

11. In the Remove App dialog, select the relevant reason for removing the app and then click Remove.

The App is removed from the customers’ managed apps.